Helping Gen Z Employees Finding Their Way at Work
January 18, 2023
Featured Media
Gen Z, Mental Health, and Technology’s Impact
September 26, 2023
What Gen Z Wants in the Workplace
June 16, 2023
Selected Publications
Fast Company
Fast Company
New York University Special Programs
Fast Company
Bridge Works
Selected Speaking Engagements
Harvard Alumni for Mental Health Webinar
FemTech: Innovations in Meeting Unmet Mental Health Needs of Women
Bridge Works
Harvard Alumni for Mental Health Webinar
Technology and Student Mental Health: Innovations, Opportunities and Challenges
One Harvard: Nurturing the Next Generation: Insights from Harvard Alumni
APAC Women + Speaker Series
Female Leader Creating Impact | A Conversation with Dr. Julie Lee
American Marketing Association
THINK: How to Live, Think, and Thrive in the 21st Century